Cave Story English

  1. Contextual translation of 'cave story' into English. Human translations with examples: i am sure, the reader, hail to do, be careful, user beware, beware canin.
  2. 'Cave Story Translation Installer.exe' file - click Run Follow the onscreen prompts to locate the game install directory (inside the bottle you installed Cave Story into) and let the patch complete it's work, then exit the patch installer. Update from Nolan: Now you can play the game in English. However, there is one little bug.
  1. Cave Story English Version
  2. Download Cave Story English
  3. Cave Story English Patch Mac
  4. Cave Story English Download
  5. Cave Story English Patch

So the mayor invented the story of the monster to demonstrate to people how such an attitude was so limiting. So the young man stayed there, enjoying the party and the company of all those who had dared to approach the cave. And what about the town? In the town they still believe that to enter the Cave of Fear is the worst of all punishments. There in front of him was the most baffling sight. Forest,english,story,adventure,fun,dinosaur,cave,jurassic world. Read English Thriller Story Jurassic World: Azoo Bazoo Boom By Samanyu Mittal Participate in the 3rd Season of STORYMIRROR SCHOOLS WRITING COMPETITION - the BIGGEST Writing Competition in India for School Students & Teachers.


Cave Story English Version

The Talking Cave

This is one of the best Panchatantra short stories in English for kids. Once upon a time, there lived a lion in a forest. Now the lion had grown old and weak. He hardly could find any decent food to eat.

One day the lion set out to search for food. Like most days, he could not find a decent catch. The old lion was growing tired of this. “If only I could eat another good meal.” Just when the old lion was about to give up, he saw a cave. Upon inspecting it properly he found that the cave was empty. Also, read The Lion And The Camel.

panchatantra short stories in english

Image Source@ That gave the lion an idea. “If I stay here, the owner of this cave is bound to return. And when the owner returns I’ll pounce on it and make it a good meal! Finally, I’ll be able to eat a good meal. I shall patiently wait for my meal to come back.”

And so the lion waited. After a while, a jackal came towards the cave. You see, the jackal lived in the cave where the lion was waiting inside. Now, these jackals are extremely clever. The jackal noticed something strange before entering the cave. He saw the footprints of a lion. And the strangest thing was that the footprints were only going in and there were no footprints coming out of the cave.

“Is the lion still inside?” the jackal thought. He decided to check. “Good evening cave,” the jackal called out. “I am back.” The lion did not reply. “What? You promised to greet me every time I come home. What is the matter with you?” the jackal asked again.


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The lion became confused. “Is it because of me that the cave isn’t replying?” but he still said nothing. Then the jackal said, “If you don’t greet me, I will go away.” Now, the lion was afraid of losing his prey, so he greeted the jackal.

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The jackal laughed and said, “You fool! Caves don’t talk! I am never coming back here again!” After that, the jackal ran away and the foolish old lion had no food. You may also like to read, The Jackal Who Saved The Lion.


Kharanakhara was a lion who ruled over a certain part of a jungle.

One day, he could not prey upon a single animal after wandering around the jungle in search of food. It was almost sunset, and the lion started returning in spite of being very hungry.

On his way, he saw a big cave, and thought to himself, “It is for sure that some animal must be living in this big cave. Such a nice cave cannot be un-inhabitated. At sunset, whatever animal lives here is bound to return. I shall hide inside the cave and wait for my dinner to arrive.”

The cave was the home to a jackal, who arrived a while after the lion had hidden himself inside. While entering he noticed the footprints of the lion leading into the cave, but could not find any footprint coming out.

He thought, “If a lion is indeed entered, I will be dead as soon as I enter. But, how can I be sure? There is no reason for me to stay away from my home if there is no lion inside. I must find out a way to confirm if the lion is still inside.”

The jackal thought of a plan, and standing in front of the cave, began to shout, “Hello Cave! Hello Cave! Can I come inside?”

For some moment, he waited in silence and shouted again, “Hello Cave! Have you forgotten our understanding of all these years? I always wait for your reply before I enter. Why are you silent today? I shall then go to some other cave if you do not reply.”

On hearing this, the lion thought, “The cave must reply to the jackal when he returns at sunset. It is because I am inside that the cave is not replying today. I must invite on behalf of the cave, or the jackal will go away.”

Cave Story English

So, the lion replied from inside the cave, “Hello Jackal, you may enter. It is safe inside.”

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Talking cave story in english

The reply was even more frightening due to the echo from the walls of the cave. The jackal at once knew that the lion was waiting for him to enter and make a meal out of him. He ran off, as fast as he could and saved himself.

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Moral: Use your tactics to protect yourself from destruction.