Bmw Tool32 2016

BMW Fault Code Lookup. Enter a BMW fault code (P or hex), complete the Captcha, and click 'Search'. P-Codes will start with a P and are usually generated by generic scanners. Hex Codes are typically given by more advanced scanners. Example: 180101 or 1B9308 or 30FF. Connect the cable to the OBDII Port, insert the key and press start button (don’t start the car, only ignition ON). Open the software EDIABAS ToolSet 32. On the menu, select File - “Load SGBD, Group File F3”. Look for “Cas.prg” on the file list. Look on the Job list the name: “steuernelvcountercasloeschen” and “steuernelvcounterelvloeschen”. Double click on each one, and wait for a window, it says “Job Done” on the bottom.

Well after a lot of tinkering with this and that I’ve finaly done it. I’ve reactivated BMW Online and Internet.

Turns out you only need ediabas Tool32 and the jobs: lesen_provisioning_data and steuern_provisioning_data.


– Run the first one;

– Parse the data and generate a clean xml file;

– Change the apps you want to activate inside the file from inactive to active.

– Inject the file back into the car with the second job.

It’s that easy.

Be sure to use and hex editor to do it as text editor insert “trash” in the file.


When using the method described above, this is what to look for:

To activate BMW Online:


< bon>

< active>0< /active>


< onlinemode>1< /onlinemode>

< /bon>

Just change active from 0 to 1

And Internet:


< bin>

< active>0< /active>

< onlinemode>1< /onlinemode>

< /bin>

Just change active to 1 also.

On the Internet section you will also find this:


< disable>01< /disable>

< vmax>7< /vmax>

< /bin>

Changing disable to 00 and vmax to FF will give you “Internet in Motion”. It won’t lock anymore when you start driving.

You may also need other settings if you don’t have an incar SIM, in order to force these through bluetooh, but that’s also an easy fix!

Also, don’t get too adventurous and go changing stuff around if you don’t know what they do. You could get your head unit to get stuck in a boot loop.

It’s fixable, but just thought I’d leave a warning in case some of you get curious about changing stuff without understanding what it does.

To be on the safe side, also keep a backup of your car profiles. If you mess something up you can recover your settings this way.

More detais about:

– hex editor and how to generate clean xml file:

Used HxD to edit

Just dump the data from the first step to excel and grab only the hexadecimal portion using the tools available.

Bmw tool 32 2016 genesis

After that, dump the hex chain into HxD and you have a clean file.

– I didn’t VO code:

I FDL coded the settings to activate internet over bluetooth (you can find those settings in the forum) and then injected the customized provision file.

Just FDL coding or VO coding won’t work.

– faster to browse on idrive or directly on your phone:


When using data from bluetooth, browsing is way faster using the phone. But if you get all your favorite sites stored in the idrive, dispite being slower, it’s a lot more practical. Just select using one click and that’s it! Your hands remain free the whole time and you can focus on the road, while if using the phone you get a lot more distracted.

Bmw Tool32 Download

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HOW TO: Reset ELV counter, Steering lock RED warning… Personal experience for sharing.

1 year ago i received a RED warning on my dashboard after using my car for some days with a bad battery (ultra low voltage). The RED warning indicate that my ELV (Steering lock) was working bad, but my ELV was working well without problems.

So, what is going on? The CAS module has a counter, when this counter exceed the max, a RED warning light come up. When you use a bad battery (low voltage) the ELV works but indicate an error to the CAS module.

Bmw Tool32 Guide

Then, my ELV works fine but i have a RED %(#))$ light every time on my dashboard, every day, every morning. Yesterday i found the solution and works fine on my car, a R56 non-s 2008.

Credits to: “korell” on


How to clear yellow warning light

If you have completed this DIY and still get that pesky yellow warning light, I found a way to clear it (credits to Micha from the German Apparently the ELV has an internal counter that causes the yellow (and red?) warning light to display. This counter can be reset using EDIABAS ToolSet32. The count is stored in the CAS and needs to be cleared in CAS and ELV. Load CAS.prg in ToolSet32 and run the commands “steuern_elvcounter_cas_loeschen” and “steuern_elvcounter_elv_loeschen”.
This procedure may even unlock the locked steering column with red warning light, but I haven’t had the red light since I performed the DIY. I’m assuming this because after my steering column was locked and I had towed my car to an indy shop, the mechanic was able to unlock it by “resetting” something.

BTW, this counter reset worked for me, but as with any advice you find on the Internet, you do this at your own risk. Bonjour

To reset the ELV you have to use the “EDIABAS ToolSet 32“, connected to the car via OBDII with the same k+dcan cable of INPA and NCS Expert.

Connect the cable to the OBDII Port, insert the key and press start button (don’t start the car, only ignition ON). Open the software EDIABAS ToolSet 32.

On the menu, select File -> “Load SGBD, Group File F3”

Look for “Cas.prg” on the file list.

Look on the Job list the name: “steuern_elvcounter_cas_loeschen” and “steuern_elvcounter_elv_loeschen”. Double click on each one, and wait for a window, it says “Job Done” on the bottom.

DONE!, no more RED Light Steering lock issue.

Note: only works if your ELV works fine, and you have this issue because you didn’t replace your battery on time and wait some months for it, like me =(.

Credits to Chile

Bmw Tool 32 2016 Genesis

This article is from OBDII Center official blog :