Neopets Abilities

The original set of abilities for the Battledome was retired and removed from the Neopets website when the Battledome closed down for renovations on October 17, 2012. TNT felt that these old abilities were outdated and useless, and they decided redesign the ability system from the ground up. The resulting Faerie Abilities debuted on February 20, 2013.

The old ability system was divided into four types of abilities: Stances were abilities that Neopets could use to add multipliers to attack. Species abilities were abilities unique to each Neopet species. Faerie abilities were elemental abilities that could be learned by releasing bottled faeries. Lastly, sponsor abilities were rare abilities that could be learned by signing up with various Neopets sponsors.

Plenty of Neopets users credit the website with their ability to learn how to code or interact online in a well-behaved manner, and it's a living historical artifact of a different age of the internet. The blast from the past that is Neopets will survive the end of Flash and move into a brighter HTML5 future.

Neopets could only use one ability per round. Abilities had a variety of effects. Some abilities were attacks, some restored health, and others defended against incoming attacks. Many abilities had no effect at all.

  • The steam shield is a gaseous force field that deflects light attacks. Its effects are temporary. Water Breathing. This magical ability allows your NeoPet to survive underwater for long periods of time. This ability allows your NeoPet to create magical healing waters.
  • These effects can range from adding stats to your pet to giving you items or abilities. Note: when faerie abilities were revamped in early 2013, Neggs stopped being able to grant ability increases. You will still receive a message that your pet has 'gained a new ability' but in reality, nothing will happen.


Stances were abilities that Neopets could use to add a multiplier to both their attack and that of their opponent. The strength of the multiplier depended on the type of stance used:

Cautious Attack100%
Normal Attack120%
Jump and Attack130%
Fierce Attack140%
Berserk Attack150%

If both parties used a stance in the same round, the two multipliers were combined together when calculating damage. For example, if both parties use a Fierce Attack stance on the same round, the damage dealt by both parties would increase by 140% x 140%, which is 196%.

Neopets automatically learned the Berserk Attack stance at level 50. All other stances were available to all Neopets by default.

Species Abilities[edit]

Main article: Species Abilities

Each species of Neopet used to have set of unique abilities. These species abilities were automatically learned upon reaching a certain level. For example, all Elephantes learned the ability Elephante Trumpet at level 10. Some species ability were only available on the special day for that species. For example, Flotsams could only use the ability Flotsam Splash on July 3rd, which is Flotsam day. Some Neopet species also had resistances and weaknesses to certain types of attack. For example, Scorchios used to take 30% less damage from fire attacks, while Ixis used to receive 20% more damage from darkness attacks.

Faerie Abilities[edit]

Main article: Retired Faerie Abilities

The original faerie abilities could be learned by releasing bottled faeries. These abilities were divided into six types, each of which corresponded to one of the six types of bottled faerie that existed at the time. The type of ability that a Neopet learned when releasing a bottled faerie depended on the type of faerie that was being released. For example, opening a Bottled Water Faerie would teach a Neopet a water faerie ability.

In order to learn an specific ability, a Neopet had to meet the minimum level required for that ability and also had to have already learned all the preceding abilities of the same type as the desired ability. For example, in order to learn the Haste ability, a Neopet would have had to be at least level 8 and must have also already learned both the Spark ability and the Air Shield ability. If a Neopet released a bottled faerie but did not meet the requirements to learn a new ability, the released faerie would simply fly away and have no effect.

Sponsor Abilities[edit]

Sponsor abilities were abilities that could be obtained by signing up with certain Neopets sponsors during the year 2001. They were also frequently used by single player challengers. There were seven sponsor abilities in total:

Improved DefendDamage multiplier of 0.7
Scorch0.5× 0.5× 0.5× 0.5×
Frost0.5× 0.5×
Dark Shield0.5×
Aura0.5× 0.5×
Inertia0.5× 0.5×
Psychic Attack0.5× 0.5×
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This article is about the modern ability system. For the original ability system, please see Retired Abilities.

Faerie Abilities are special skills that Neopets can use in Battledome in addition to their equipment. There are many different faerie ablilties and each one has its own unique effect. Some abilities are powerful attacks, some restore health, and others defend against incoming attacks. Neopets can only use one ability per round. Most abilities have a limitation on how frequently they can be used. Some abilities can only be used once every few rounds, while other abilities can only be used once per battle or once per day. Only single player challengers are allowed to break these limitations.

  • 3All Abilities


Main article: Bottled Faerie

In order to learn an ability, a Neopet must first acquire blessings. There are six types of blessings; one for each of the six types of faeries that inhabit Neopia. Each ability requires a specific number of blessings to be learned. For example, a Neopet must pay forty darkness blessings and forty water blessings to learn the Drain Life ability. Neopets can obtain blessings by releasing Bottled Faeries. The type of bottled faerie released determines the number and type of blessing received. For example, opening a Weak Bottled Water Faerie will grant a Neopet one or two water blessings.

Learning New Abilities[edit]

Neopets can learn new abilities by visiting Aethia at Aethia's Ability Academy. Faerie abilities are divided into ten different tiers. Each tier contains three abilities and is associated with a certain level. In order to learn an ability from a specific tier, a Neopet must be at or above the level associated with that tier. For example, a Neopet must be at level 10 or higher to learn an ability from tier three.

To teach a Neopet an ability, the user must first select the Neopet by clicking on its portrait near the top of the Ability Academy page. Next, the user must select the ability or abilities that they want to teach their Neopet by selecting the appropriate icons from the available drop down menus. The icon for each ability will only be selectable if the currently selected Neopet meets the required level minimum for that ability and has the correct number of blessings to learn it. After selecting abilities, the user can click the Train These Abilities button to teach their Neopet the selected abilities. Each Neopet is only allowed to know one ability from each tier at a time. Neopets are allowed to change abilities within a tier; however, they must pay half of the blessing cost for the new ability in order to do so.

All Abilities[edit]

Tier One: Level 1 Abilities[edit]

Static Cling

Cost to Learn: Free

Hit your opponent with a blast of light damage. Aethia's Ability Academy is not responsible for any resulting electrical charge.





Cost to Learn: Free

Attack your opponent with earth damage... this kind of thing does tend to linger.
Whew... someone needs a mint.


2× on use, 2× the following round


1 round cooldown period


Cost to Learn: Free

Controlling the weather takes some time, but the extra water damage could be worth it.
More than a mist, at least.


No effect on use, 4× the following round


1 round cooldown period

Tier Two: Level 5 Abilities[edit]

Neopets Abilities Explained


Cost to Learn: 2× blessings

Heal yourself for a few hit points. Every little bit helps, wouldn't you say?
Side effects may include mummyism.




Once per battle


Cost to Learn: 2× blessings

With a little focus, your healing can last a bit longer.
Patience heals many wounds.


4 on use, 4 the following round


4 round cooldown period


Cost to Learn: 2× blessings

Use this ability to slip into the shadows and protect yourself.
There are many things afraid of the dark.


Blocks a small number of three random icon types


4 round cooldown period

Tier Three: Level 10 Abilities[edit]


Cost to Learn: 4× blessings

You wield your weapons with a bit more force while perturbed.
You're only like this when you stub your toe.


Damage dealt this round is increased by 5%.


Once per battle


Cost to Learn: 4× blessings

Your lethargy seems contagious and your opponent's enthusiasm drains.


Damage taken this round is reduced by 5%.


Once per battle

Positive Thinking

Cost to Learn: 4× blessings

The power of positive thinking grants you a bonus to healing.
I WILL become a real faerie! I WILL!


5% of current HP


Once per battle

Tier Four: Level 25 Abilities[edit]

An Icicle

Cost to Learn: 10× blessings

Frozen water can be quite devastating in battle.
The compass in the stock can't help you now.





Cost to Learn: 10× blessings

Inflict fire damage upon your opponent. It takes a while to put it out.
Make sure to get it even on both sides.


4× on use, 4× the following round


2 round cooldown

Irritable Minions

Cost to Learn: 10× blessings

Summon your dark minions to attack your opponent... eventually.
How many of them ARE there?'


No effect on use, 8× the following round


10 round cooldown

Tier Five: Level 50 Abilities[edit]

Throw Pillows

Cost to Learn: 15× blessings

Use these to let your opponent know it's nap time.
Throw pillows, not throw pillows.


Prevents opponents from using weapons for one round


Once per day

Lens Flare

Cost to Learn: 15× blessings

Blind your opponent with this lens flare and they won't be able to see their weapons.


Prevents opponents from using weapons for one round


Once per battle


Cost to Learn: 15× blessings

Silence your opponent. It's hard to cast spells when you can't speak.
A favourite spell of the Library Faerie.


Prevents opponents from using an ability for one round


Once per battle

Neopets Level 100 Abilities

Tier Six: Level 100 Abilities[edit]


Cost to Learn: 8× blessings, 6× blessings, 6× blessings

Increase your resistance to dark, fire, and earth.
Conceal yourself from the darkest of enemies.


21%× 21%× 21%×


Once per battle


Cost to Learn: 8× blessings, 6× blessings, 6× blessings

Increase your resistance to light, water, and air.
Light as a feather!


21%× 21%× 21%×


Once per battle


Cost to Learn: 8× blessings, 6× blessings, 6× blessings

Hide from your opponent safely underground.
Bring your own air supply.


Blocks 100% of 3 random non-physical icons


Once per battle

Tier Seven: Level 200 Abilities[edit]


Cost to Learn: 25× blessings, 15× blessings

Send your opponents to the eye of the storm and see how long it takes them to get out.
A whopper, to speak in the vernacular of the peasantry.


Prevents opponents from using weapons for one round


Once per day

Snowager's Breath

Cost to Learn: 25× blessings, 15× blessings

Create a very thick, icy prison around your opponent... as long as it doesn't miss, that is.
Or use it for an epic game of freeze tag.




Once per day

Warlock's Rage

Cost to Learn: 25× blessings, 15× blessings

Channel your malevolent rage into increased damage and incapacitate your opponent at the same time. A favourite combo of warlocks everywhere.
Never upset someone who can turn you into a Mortog.




Once per battle

Tier Eight: Level 300 Abilities[edit]

Healing Fire

Cost to Learn: 40× blessings, 40× blessings

Cleanse with the power of fire!
It doesn't burn nearly as much as you'd expect.




Once per battle


Cost to Learn: 40× blessings, 40× blessings

Increase your healing power for a short period of time.
Like a trip to the spa but without all the face mud.


100% if above 5% of max HP, 5% if below


Once per battle

Drain Life

Cost to Learn: 40× blessings, 40× blessings

Steal your opponent's life force and add it to your own.
This ability does NOT make you sparkle.


Drains 10% - 11% from opponent


Once per battle

Tier Nine: Level 400 Abilities[edit]


Cost to Learn: 120× blessings

Politely decline your opponents generous gifts. They can keep 'em.
You get what you give.


Reflect 67% of damage received this round


Once per battle

Rally Cry

Cost to Learn: 120× blessings

The fire within you can't be extinguished and you use it freely against your opponent over the course of battle.
Cry havoc, and let slip the Gelerts of war!


6× on use, small chance of 6× the following round


Once per battle

Adrenaline Rush

Cost to Learn: 120× blessings

A rush of adrenaline makes you stronger and more agile. This is pretty useful if you like damaging your opponent.


Damage dealt this round is increased by 8.125%


Once per battle

Tier Ten: Level 500 Abilities[edit]

Meepit Stampede

Cost to Learn: 100× blessings, 60× blessings

The dark power of a Meepit invasion is yours to control. It doesn't bode well for your opponents, or their damage output.




Once per day

Summon Monoceraptor

Cost to Learn: 100× blessings, 60× blessings

The fiery Monoceraptor is at your command and can be used to distract your opponent. Just remember to stay out of the way.
That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange aeons even death may die.




Once per day

Esophagor Stench

Cost to Learn: 100× blessings, 60× blessings

The earthy stench of the Esophagor, which can distract your opponents quite easily, is at your disposal. Disposal being the key word here.
'There are no nose plugs in Neopia strong enough.




Once per day
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