Shortcut For Subscript

Superscript or subscript is a text, number, figure, symbol, or indicator that is smaller than the normal font and is displayed slightly above (superscript) or below (subscript) it. If you are migrating from popular documentation software like Ms Word or you are new to Google docs, then typing subscript or superscript in Google docs can be a bit of task. This blog covers three different ways (Format Menu, Keyboard Shortcut and Magic Search) by which you can type subscript or superscript in Google docs.

Method 1: Format Tab

The keyboard shortcuts to superscript or subscript text in PowerPoint is – For Superscript, press these keys at the same time: CtrlShift+ (Ctrl, Shift, and +). For Subscript, press these keys at the same time: Ctrl+ (Ctrl and +) To exit each script mode, simply press the corresponding shortcut key combinations once again. The first is a good workaround if you only use symbols, superscript or subscript occasionally. The second is the best choice if you frequently use the same symbols, superscript and subscript (for example, degrees, copyright, squared and cubed). Here are 2 ways you can insert symbols, superscript & subscript in #Gmail Click To Tweet. Details: Below are the keyboard shortcuts for subscript s and superscripts: Excel subscript shortcut: Ctrl + 1, then Alt + E. Excel superscript shortcut: Ctrl + 1, then Alt + B. Select the characters or cells we want to format, then use the keyboard shortcuts to insert subscripts or superscripts. How to superscript on keyboard › Verified 5.

  • Either place the cursor where you want to start subscript or superscript or select the text that you need as subscript or superscript.
  • Go to Format > Text and click Subscript or Superscript.

Shortcut For Subscript In Excel

Method 2: Keyboard Shortcut

Alternatively, you use the following Google docs shortcut for subscript or superscript instead of using the above method.

You can quickly search any Google docs shortcut using Ctrl + / (Windows, Chrome OS) or ⌘ + / (Mac).

Method 3: Magic Search

Open search menu (I call it magic search) using Alt + / (Windows, Chrome OS) or Option + / (Mac). Search and select subscript / superscript (or any desired task say bold, italics, insert page break etc) to apply it. We can do all this without leaving keyboard and wasting time.

This method provides a quick way to search and apply any shortcut. This is the best feature of Google Docs which is not available in proprietary software like Ms Word.


Shortcut For Subscript In Word

Three different ways to add subscript and superscript are:

Updated 26 Jul 2021

Updated 26 Jul 2021

Shortcut for subscript

When you're answering questions in a player, you can cut, copy, and paste using the keyboard. You also can use keyboard shortcuts to enter special characters and symbols. For example, if you enter:


Shortcut For Subscript In Onenote Mac

the square root symbol appears:

Math questions also include a palette of symbols where you can enter the special characters by selecting a palette icon. See Use the math palette for details on entering special characters and symbols from the palette.

Copy and paste shortcutsCopy text
  1. Highlight the text.
  2. Press and hold down the Control key.
  3. Press the c key
  4. Release both keys.
Cut text
  1. Highlight the text.
  2. Press and hold down the Control key.
  3. Press the x key
  4. Release both keys.
Paste copied or cut text
  1. Place your cursor where you want to paste the text.
  2. Press and hold down the Control key.
  3. Press the v key.
  4. Release both keys.
Common operation symbols
To use this symbol... Enter this shortcut...For example
+ (plus)Plus sign on keyboard
- (minus)Dash on keyboard
(plus or minus)plusminus
= (equal) Equal sign on keyboard
(multiplication dot)* (asterisk)

(For example: 2 * 3)

(times sign)times

(For example: 2 times 3)

(divided by)divide
< (less than)Left angle sign on keyboard

(For example: 2 < 3)

(less than or equal to)< = (left angle sign and an equal sign)

(For example: 2 <= 3)

< (greater than)Right angle sign on keyboard

(For example: 3 > 2)

(greater than or equal to)> = (right angle sign and an equal sign)

(For example: 3 >= 2)

(not equal)<> (left and right angle signs)

(For example: 3 <> 2)

Math function symbols
To use this symbol...Enter this shortcut...For example
(fraction) /

(Type the numerator, then a slash, then the denominator. For example: 2 /3)


(Type the Shift key, then the up arrow () to create a superscript box where you can enter a number.)


(Type the Shift key, then the down arrow () to create a subscript box where you can enter a number.)

(superscript and subscript)supsub

(Creates a template where you can enter the base value in the box on the left, and the superscript and subscript in the boxes on the right.)

(empty template)

(template with values)

(double subscripts)subsub

(Creates a template where you can enter a subscript in the box on the left, the base value in the box in the middle, and a subscript in the box on the right.)

(empty template)

(template with values)

(absolute value)abs

(Creates a template where you can enter a value in the blue box.)

(empty template)

(template with value)

(square root)sqrt

(Creates a template where you can enter a value in the blue box.)

(empty template)

(template with value)


(Creates a template where you can enter the values in the blue boxes.)

(empty template)

(template with values)

(left conditional arrow)larrow

(For example, a larrow b)

(right conditional arrow)rarrow

(For example, a rarrow b)

(biconditional arrow)biarrow

(For example, a biarrow b)

(vertical bar)textbar

(For example: 5 textbar 15)

(empty set)empty

(For example: V = empty)


(For example: A cup B)


(For example: A cap B)

(element of)element

(For example: A element B)

(not an element of)nelement

(For example: A nelement B)

(subset of)subset

(For example: A subset B)

(not a subset of)nsubset

(For example: A nsubset B)

(proper subset of)propersub

(For example: A propersub B)

(not a proper subset of)npropersub

(For example: A npropersub B)


(For example: angle ABC)

(logical and)and

(For example: A and B)

(logical or)or

(For example: A or B)

(logical not)not

(For example: not A)

(equivalent)Tilde on keyboard

(For example: A = inf)

(imaginary unit)i on keyboard

(For example: a = bi = 0)

(Euler's number)e on keyboard

(For example: e = 0)


(For example: grad f = 2y)

(partial derivative)partiald

(For example, partiald x)


(For example: int f(x) dx

(definitive integral)dint

(Creates a template where you can enter values in the blue boxes. For example 2 dint 3)


(Creates a template where you can enter a value in the blue box.)

(empty template)

(template with value)

(double overbar)dbar

(Creates a template where you can enter a value in the blue box.)

(empty template)

(template with value)


(Creates a template where you can enter a value in the blue box.)

(empty template)

(template with value)

Shortcut For Subscript In Powerpoint

Greek letters
To use this letter... Enter this shortcut...
lower-case alphaalpha

lower-case beta

lower-case gammagamma
upper-case deltacdelta
lower-case deltadelta
lower-case epsilonepsilon
lower-case etaeta
lower-case thetatheta
lower-case lambdalambda
lower-case mumu
lower-case pipi
lower-case rhorho
lower-case sigmasigma
upper-case sigma (summation)sum
(summation with limits)lsum ()
lower-case tautau
lower-case phiphi
phi variantvphi
lower-case chichi
lower-case omegaomega

See also:Use the math palette | Use the on-screen keyboard | Use the player with JAWS