Steal Toontown Rewritten's iteration of these features. But with yesterday's leak of the 2010 Toontown source code, we finally have most, if not all of the Toontown Online server code. All of these features that projects have been forced to re-create for so long, we now have access to their original files. Feb 07, 2014 Re: Toontown Server Source Code (and tutorial) I am using a hamachi ip for this game, and I can't run the startastronserver.bat because of the error: 'astrond' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program, or batch file.
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This article is a work in progress. ...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes. |

- 3Sellbot HQ
Tag Arenas
Two unused tag arenas for two playgrounds.
Toontown Online Source Code
Daisy Gardens Tag Arena.
The Brrrgh Tag Arena.
Earlier Estate Area
In the files exists a very early version of the Estate, with placeholder graphics, unenterable houses with rather tall roofs and water that cannot be swimmed. The placement of the houses notably resembles the concept art, complete with a scrapped pathway leading out of the area.
Concept Art | Early | Final |
Sellbot HQ

To do: Get images from here.
Found in the dated 2003 files is this unused variation of the Cog Factory. It had four silos rather than three, the Catwalk was longer, and the Factory was meant to be two stories high! Its name was based on the original concept for Cog HQs. There was going to be a Foot Factory for Sellbots, a Leg Factory for Cashbots, a Torso Factory for Lawbots and even an Arm Factory for Bossbots!
Toontown Online Source Code Line Counter
Panda3D model file for the unused factory interior as found in the 2003-2004 version of Disney's Toontown Online files.
Another view of the Panda3D model file for the unused factory interior as found in the 2003-2004 version of Disney's Toontown Online files.
Panda3D model file for the unused factory layout as found in the 2003-2004 version of Disney's Toontown Online files.
Another preview of the Panda3D model file for the unused factory layout as found in the 2003-2004 version of Disney's Toontown Online files.
Toontown Online Source Code
- This is how I got it working.
- 1. Download the source code...
- or!JIlDwRKI!xXPtNur5czI9jRUSLN_xKyrcDZkboPmTIpgo1ehftcs
- 2. Extract it into your C: drive, don't extract it anywhere else
- 3. Once that's done, open the folder, run and install python 2.7 (it's in the folder)
- 4. Once you have installed it, run Increase TCP Buffer Size.bat AS ADMINISTRATOR and reboot/restart your computer
- 5. When that's done, run and install vns.full (it's in the folder)
- You probably don't want to join the club, so uncheck the second box, but you have to accept the terms so check the first box.
- 6. Then, copy the Panda 3D 1.9.0 into your C: drive. Don't move it! Copy it. It may take a while, but it'll be fine.
- 7. Okay, ready to play? Good! Go to src-feature-the-experiment ---> astron ---> win32 and then run start.all.bat
- You'll get 3 cmd windows, but don't worry. They're safe.
- 8. On the AI server, press enter twice and on the Uberdog server, press enter once. You'll have to wait until it loads all the playgrounds and stuff.
- 9. Once it generates the game and connects to the game, you can go back to src-feature-the-experiment ---> win32 --->
- 10. Type in a unique username. It's like your password, so you don't want anyone to know it.
- 11. There you go! You should be in Toontown Infinite.
- ***The Experiment instructions***
- 1. Wanna play the unreleased feature from Toontown Infinite? Okay! Go to the red ropes or whatever it is and type in ~collisionsOff. Once you're in, type in ~collisionsOn.
- 2. Say 'Hi!' to the red monkey, and then you should be in the Experiment. Type in ~collisionsOff to get out and ~collisionsOn to not make you go through things.
- And there you have it! A long, but helpful tutorial on how to setup the Toontown Infinite source code.