Quit The Game To Win

Quit smoking today! Contact us by phone 1-508-368-9540 or 1-888-807-2908 or email QuitToWin@fallonhealth.org for more information or to enroll in telephonic counseling or text message support. This is a game I'm going to be working on called 'QUIT TO WIN'. It's about the player trying to quit the game but the viruses, bugs and glitches from the game prevent them from doing that. There will be different endings to the game and secrets.

  1. Quit The Game To Win
  2. Quit The Game To Win online, free

Why quit with the Challenge?

Because participating in the Challenge increases your chances of butting out for good. According to a survey of participants, 75% completed the challenge successfully.

Quit The Game To Win

In addition to being the motivation you need to take action, the Challenge gives you access to a range of free resources and tools. Use them to get informed and get motivated before, during and after the Challenge.

Why quit smoking?

There are many different reasons why people decide to quit smoking, from wanting to prevent health problems to improving their fitness, saving money, or simply feeling less weighed down by the habit. The important thing is to find the reason that will motivate YOU to kick the habit.

Did you know?

  • After 2 weeks without smoking, exercising begins to feel easier.
  • After 1 year, the risk of heart disease drops by 50 %.


Quit the game to win unblocked games freeQuit the game to win freeQuit The Game To Win

How many cigarettes do you smoke per day on average?

By taking up the Challenge, you'll save about in 6 weeks.
That's enough to cover .

Quit The Game To Win

Quit The Game To Win online, free

* Some activity suggestions may not comply with the health recommendations in your region. The calculation is based on an average $9 cost per pack of 20 cigarettes.