

P90X3 is the third iteration of Power 90 Days Extreme (yes, that’s what P90X stands for). The original P90X serves as a deep immersion into extreme fitness; P90X2 focuses on advanced sports science for extreme performance gains; and now P90X3 adds another extreme—extreme efficiency. P90X3 removes even more restrictions and gives you additional tools not only to guide you toward intuitive eating, but to make healthy meal planning a simple, quick affair. In my opinion, if you want something with a lot of structure all laid out for you, P90X is the way to go.

P90X3 – The ultimate excuse buster


Time is the biggest excuse. P90X3 solves that. Every workout is 30 minutes and the clock starts the minute you push play. Before you can say “drop and give me 10,” it’s over and you are one workout closer to the six-pack of your dreams.


P90X3 Program Options

Click one of the links below for additional details about P90X3.

  • P90X3 Challenge Pack – Includes P90X3 program AND Shakeology

Muscle acceleration explained

Many P90X fans were hooked on the science of muscle confusion – which introduced variety to the workouts and prevented plateauing. P90X3 takes a hint from that success and from studies showing the most dramatic body transformations happen within the first 30 minutes of exercise. Enter muscle acceleration, a Tony Horton-approved highly-structured schedule with an incredibly high level of intensity and an unprecedented variety of moves. The gurus behind P90X3 combined exercises and added some twists to maximize your time and keep every muscle challenged for a full 30 minutes.

Say goodbye to boredom

Which brings us to the fun-factor. Host, world-renown fitness ledgend, Tony Horton does not disappoint. With his witty one-liners and can-do mantras, he’ll simultaneously have you laughing and fired-up to bust out that final rep. Along with the constant entertainment, P90X3 has the most workouts of any Beachbody program. With 16 workouts in the base kit, they switch it up before you have a chance to consider boredom. From cardio to strength to pilates to MMX, there is something for everyone.

The ideal P90X3-er

It may seem lofty to proclaim, but P90X3 is indeed a workout for everyone. Everyone searching for tighter abs and leaner muscles, that is. But fitness novices and experts need not be afraid by P90X3’s come-one-come-all invitation. You don’t have to have any previous P90X experience in order to get killer results. For the beginner, the variety of workouts in P90X3 is the perfect place to discover their fitness style. If the move can be modified there is a cast member showing you how. But don’t expect to be an expert on day one. (Yes, fitness veterans will still be challenged.) As Tony says, ”You don’t get off easy, you just get to finish faster!”


What makes P90X3 unique?

P90x3 Schedule

P90X3 combines a highly structured, plateau-busting schedule with an unprecedented variety of moves that keep every muscle challenged every day for 30 minutes of full-throttle intensity that leaves any other workout in the dust. It’s a whole workout in half the time.

P90x3 Hd

What is P90X3?

P90X3 is a 90-day extreme fitness program designed to get you ripped in just 30 minutes a day. Each one of these accelerated 30-minute workouts has been uniquely developed to produce the greatest physical change in your body, in the most efficient way. Whether you’re too busy to do longer workouts, or you simply want to maximize your time and your results, P90X3 is the perfect program for you.

Why is P90X3 effective?

Study after study shows that the most dramatic body transformations happen . . . in the first 30 minutes of exercise. Tony Horton took everything he’d already proven with the Muscle Confusion™ of P90X®, added in the Muscle Integration of P90X2, and tailored new routines to take advantage of this science of shorter workouts. The result was Muscle Acceleration. And when a test group was put through the program, the results were mind-blowing. On average, participants in the group lost over a third of their body fat. Those would be great results even doing hour-long P90X workouts, but these folks got to those numbers in just 30 minutes a day.

P90X3 – A Sneak Peak

Here is a video that gives us a peak into what you can expect from the new P90X3 fitness program from Beachbody and Tony Horton. You may recognize some of these moves from P90X or P90X2, but there are also several new routines/moves that will be introduced with X3.

P90X3 Program Options

P90x3 Lean Schedule

Click one of the links below for additional details about P90X3.

P90x3 Results

  • P90X3 Challenge Pack – Includes P90X3 program AND Shakeology