Condor 2 Soaring Simulator


Free Flight


The free flight option allows you to select a flight of your ownplanning. It also contains additional options to customize the flightto your own wishes. The different options are laid out over a coupleof tabs/pages which mostly speak for themselves:

  • Task
    • Flight Plans
    • Timing
    • Task Points
  • Weather
    • Wind
    • Thermals
    • Waves
    • High Clouds
  • Hangar
    • Class
    • Type
    • Skin

Condor Soaring Simulator r/ condorsim. Hot New Top Rising. Card classic compact. Posted by 2 months ago. Good/Affordable Set-up? Think it would be nice to give it a go before dropping nearly $60 on it, not to mention the $9 they want for a tiny little SG-38. Download link:keys: 111-YHL0-53NI 663618-M.

By default, Condor 2 contains seven gliders and four towplanes.

Other gliders can be bought from Condor as payware, and I'll expanda little on that below the aircraft list.

  • Lange Antares 18S
  • LET L-13 Blanik
  • Avionic Diana-2
  • Schempp-Hirth Duo Discus XL
  • Sportine Aviacija Genesis 2
  • Schneider Grunau Baby IIb
  • Jonker JS1C-18 EVO*
  • Jonker JS1C-21*
  • DG Flugzeugbau LS8-sc Neo*
  • Schneider Schulgleiter 38*
  • Schempp-Hirth Standard Cirrus
  • Marganski Aviation Swift S1*
  • Ventus 3-15* & 3-18* to be published (web site stated late June...)

* payware add-on

Custom Aircraft

Now this is an area in which plenty of people will consider adownside - the lack of custom aircraft, however the Condor developmentteam has a very good explanation for this. The flight model used bythe aircraft is so heavily dependent on the actual simulator, that thecreators believe a realistic behaving custom aircraft is simply notfeasible without a thorough understanding of the inner workings of theCondor software. This being the case, they have decided to keep themonopoly on aircraft and provide the user with a couple of extrapayware aircraft in which to expand the experience.


Condor 2 Soaring Simulator Free

Of course, no simulation would be complete without a couple ofextra options to choose from. One important option is the selection ofballast, usually done by filling ballast tanks with water. Here youcan select whether you want the ballast to be fixed. The center ofgravity bias (tail or nose heavy) can be set, as well as the windspeed. The other options are more in depth, like the moisture content,wing loading, and analysing the options by using the polar curvegraph, showing the indicated airspeed over the vertical speed (you canuse this graph to find your optimum glide).

Condor 2 Soaring Simulator

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Condor Flight Simulator

The Condor flight simulator is glider specific software that emulates the training and cross country environments of sailplanes.

Along with the help of a glider instructor versed in Condor, your glider training can be supplemented by exploiting the capabilities of Condor. Real emergencies can be practiced and the action can be frozen to discuss an important issue.
Condor is used by many around the world to race each other in realistic cross country soaring competitions.

Condor Software and Hardware
Want your own setup at home?Follow this link and scroll about 75% down the page and get the 'Condor Standard Kit'.
Condor Official website
Update your older version of Condor, more details, More..
Condor Virtual Reality Computer

You have more than one option but the 'Oculus Rift S' a popular choice.
How do I...
..install the files, setup the controls, load the files, etc? Scott Manley has created an 88 page Orientation Document that answers these questions for Condor 1 but nearly everything applies to the basics of Condor 2 as well.
Condor File Management
For the convenience of setting up extremely useful files on your PC, follow this link to manage Replay files, Flight Plan files, Flight School files, Flight track files. These instrutions were written when Condor 1 was in use but the guidance and file folder structure is similar. More...
  • Articles, files and guides
  • Sim Progress Card

Soaring Magazine August 2010

Condor Corner
Compilation of all articles that were printed in Soaring magazine from 2010-2014. These articles form an extensive framework ranging from 'Why use Simulation' to 'How to...' guidance. The articles use Condor 1 to explain the rationale but the information is still relevant.
Cross Country Soaring with Condor
Improve real life cross country soaring skills, learn how to race, make ridge transitions and more.
Resources, files, articles and more.
SCOH Condor Sim Instructors
Google Drive Folder with Resources
Who Else uses Virtual Reality in flight Training?
U.S. Air Force and the Army!
Google Drive Folder with articles
The SSF(Soaring Safety Foundation - affiliate of the SSA) has produced thought provoking accident awareness scenarios by creating movie clips in Condor.More..

Condor Simulation Graphics This video demonstrates the realistic scenery graphics, air to air perspectives, wing tip smoke, ridge soaring and thermal soaring.

Advanced Topics
When you are ready for some 'graduate level' Condor topics, download and create sceneries for your local area, race online and explore other Condor Utilities.

Subpages (3):Archives Condor 1: Guides & ManaulsCondor FilesThanks to...